quinta-feira, 15 de julho de 2010

Garance Doré for Moschino.

The phenomenon of "fashion blog" and "street style" come to stay.
None doubts that.

And it's obviously for everyone at least for me, she is essentially the best! that Garance Doré is one of the best bloggers and street style photographers in the "market".

Tommy Ton is also a great example of a blogger and street photographer.

So, more than this two things in common, they have one more: they shooted two lookbooks for two fashion brands.

Tommy for Reece Hudson, and Garace Doré for the old house Moschino.

Is this a symptom of a new trend? ups!, according to Doré I shouldn't write 'trend'. Just kidding, ok?

In my opinion, if it's a new trend, it's an interesting one! 'Cause  this kind of photographers can bring the realism that an editorial or a campain, with clothes for real people, deserve.

 © Copyright Moschino
(Via VoguePortugal.Blog, thanks to Xana for show the new of Vogue Pt Blog.)

What do you think? Do you like the result? 


4 comentários:

su disse...

I think they bring the streetstyle vibe to the shoots, but also that moviment they includ in the photos.

Love this new concept/ideia/trend (ups, sorry for the word ).

Thak you, I really need all the good luck in the world.

**, sU

Mafalda disse...

Gosto pois! :) e acredita que também já não passo sem a minha boa dose diária de street style fashion blogs! :D

Diva disse...

adorou :)

Anónimo disse...

Gostei bastante, sem dúvida traz outra dose de realismo à moda :)